Preliminary studies have identified rapid flicker sensitivity as an important biomarker in glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and ocular hypertension. Measures thresholds at the fovea and in each of the four quadrants at the same time.

AVOT Professional
- Suitable computer, mouse, 2 USB extension cables, 2 USB 6-key response buttons pads, USB table lamp, flexible tape measure, eye patch.
- Professional colour-stable, 10-bits per colour, 24″ LCD display.
- Calibration of the spectral power distribution of each phosphor.
- Initial RGB calibration of luminance vs. applied gun voltage.
- Base software for AVOT applications.
- LUMCAL program for screen calibration.
Order code: AVOT-PRO-UK.
Supplied with US keyboard. Order code: AVOT-PRO-US.
Supplied with German keyboard. Order code: AVOT-PRO-DE.
Power cable set for IEC plug type G (as used in eg., UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong). Order code: POWER-UK. (included in the price).
Power cable set for CEE plug type 7/7 (compatible with eg., France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Spain and Tunisia). Order code: POWER-EU. (included in the price).
Power cable set for IEC plug type I (as used in eg., Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Argentina). Order code: POWER-AU.
Power cable set for IEC plug type M (as used in eg., South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho). Order code: POWER-RSA.
Flicker-Plus Module
Flicker-Plus test program. Order code: FP-MODULE.
Optional Extras
- Calibrated photometer unit including tripod. Order code: PHOTOM-MAVO.
- Other accurate photometers can be supplied on request.
- Night Vision (rod/cone differential sensitivity loss) module and profile, for use with Flicker-Plus. Order code: NV-PROFILE.
- CAD test module. Order code: CAD-MODULE.
- Acuity-Plus test module. Order code: AP-MODULE.
- Spectrally calibrated neutral density sunglasses for measuring acuity at mesopic light levels using Acuity-Plus and for measuring rod sensitivities using the Night Vision module for Flicker-Plus. Order code: ND-GLASSES-1L0.
- Light Scatter test module. Order code: LS-MODULE.
- ACAD test module. Order code: ACAD-MODULE.
Night Vision module for Flicker-Plus
The Night Vision module allows the measurement of rod and cone sensitivities without the need for extended dark adaptation (saving half an hour per subject) and provides useful data on rod and cone losses as a function of age or in patients with diseases of the retina.
Order code: NV-PROFILE.
Spectrally calibrated neutral density sunglasses (required to measure rod sensitivities). Order code: ND-GLASSES-1L0.